Research & Innovation


The ENLIGHT 'RISE' project seeks to strengthen the research and innovation dimension of ENLIGHT. In synergy with ENLIGHT’s educational components and surrounding ecosystems, it will deploy a comprehensive joint transformation agenda for our universities. RISE stands for 'Research and Innovation agenda with and for Society'. The project obtained funds from the Horizon 2020 'Science with and for Society'(SwafS) call for European Universities.

The objective is to become more competitive and innovative together, leveraging and synergising our respective strengths and capitalising on our innovation potential as well as the partnerships in our surrounding ecosystems to promote a greener, healthier, more equitable and sustainable Europe.


Within RISE we focus on R&I Support for our ENLIGHT community. This includes support for identifying synergies among ENLIGHT researchers, preparing joint R&I proposals and more specifically Early Career Development.

Next to th edevelopment of Digital Research infrastructures and the promotion of Open Science, we support our researchers and joint research projects with additional tools, such as the R&I Observatory and Toolkit

Further, we promote an Impact-driven research Culture at our ENLIGHT universities. With our Impact Awards we highlightr outstanding projects within our research community.

Another main objective is to foster genuine Public Engagement in ENLIGHT research and innovation activities. Among others, we aim to foster a dialogue with all the stakeholders involved – policy makers, HR and research support staff, evaluators, researchers, e. g. about the evaluation of early career development or Research Assessment.

Last but not least, our goal is to develop Innovation Districts in our wider ENLIGHT refions by creating the ENLIGHT RISE Innovation Network (ERIN) of academy-industry collaborations.

Outputs and resources

Project outputs are available via our ENLIGHT R&I Observatory and via Zenodo. Available deliverables feature the following topics: Research & Innovation Synergies, Digital research infrastructures, Research assessment & Early Career Researchers, Innovation, Open Science, Public Engagement & Co-Creation of Research, and Research Impact.  



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ENLIGHT RISE is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.